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Dictionary is a book of language, symbols, rules, authority... In addition, It is a symbol itself, representing the language world upon which we exist.

The Xinhua Zidian or Xinhua Dictionary, is a Chinese language dictionary published by the Commercial Press. It is the best-selling Chinese dictionary and the world's most popular reference work. It is considered a symbol of Chinese culture.(From Wikipedia)

Presentation about the Dictionary Project



Guess Characters


Cover all the explained Chinese characters in an entire dictionary, leaving only the definitions.


Cut a Dictionary



The dictionary is sliced in half with a single stroke, yielding one large and one small portion.The smaller half contains only page numbers and a QR code, as scanning the QR code reveals the content, essentially forming a more complete book.The larger half, while containing all the content, loses its dictionary-like search functionality due to the absence of page numbers.


Lend out a Dictionary


字典(语言)本来也是由众人创造的。 我借出一本全新字典。欢迎众参与者,打开字典,在语言大世界里,改天换地。

Dictionaries (language) are originally created by countless people. I lend out a brand new dictionary. Welcome to all participants to create whatever they like in this language world.

第一轮(2023)参加者 The participants of the first round:行着、日晒、兰欢、Penny、蒋小莫、Yui_0、日落没有派对、oII、KOYAAAAAA、米胡、8角。(按参加时间排序)


Imagine Characters


Reinterpret characters by individuals.

✒️Everyone can add online:

Google Sheet:https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10DGLSx8qQ8dHUjf3hpLq8HidyMtoOGtE/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=105115924237282039372&rtpof=true&sd=true





Rewriting classic ancient poems by arranging the characters in dictionary order.


Releasing Dictionaries


A dictionary is a book of books. Let the dictionary return to the books. I made fake labels to Place the dictionary I have into official libraries. This has been implemented at the Shanghai Library and the Nara Library.




把字典的内容挖出来,放到假书(the New English Dictionary) 盒子里。把有真内容的假书盒放到串串店的假书架里。把串串店的餐巾纸放进挖空的字典里,把这本字典放在图书馆里。

Take the contents of the dictionary out and place them into the box of the fake book (the New English Dictionary). Put the fake book box with real content onto the fake bookshelf in a restaurant. Place the restaurant's tissue into the hollowed-out dictionary and then place this dictionary in the library.


Sea of Words



The recreated dictionary arranges its pages in chronological order of papermaking. Salvaging the pulp, individual textual fragments are randomly reassembled on the new pages. The majority of the words scatter, fade away, retreat, losing their meaning. In the sequence of reading, it's akin to using a spotlight to observe the textures of the seabed,what vast and cannot be conveyed through language.

︎ 《原始绘图集》

Original Graphing Collection


用假英文报纸包装纸做了一本好像是可阅读的书,并用上面的大标题: Original Graphing Collection( 原始绘图集)做书名。书名(古老符号集合)听上去也可以理解为字典。

A seemingly readable book has been created using fake English newspaper wrapping paper, with the prominent headline: Original Graphing Collection, serving as the title of the book. The title can also be understood as a dictionary.


The Opposite Characters


In the traditional Chinese story of "Zhuangzi's Butterfly Dream," the dreamer dreams of being a butterfly, while also considering himself as the butterfly's dream. Are the characters in the mirror, the opposite characters real? Are the touchable characters real? Are the characters on our side real?

The Red in RED

Nowadays, when “RED“, the app, has already become a comprehensive encyclopedia of everyday life for the Chinese people, another red book—Xinhua Dictionary (as a modern comprehensive encyclopedia of Chinese characters)—can become one of its pages.
